Junior Rugby

Ages 4 to 19
We strive to encourage all our players, regardless of ability, to enjoy playing rugby. Our main objectives include ensuring our players learn and develop new skills on and off the field of play, build self-confidence, establish strong robust team principles and train and play in a safe environment.
Each season we have the option to enter into 3 away tournaments at various destinations over the Gulf region with the club subsidizing costs to encourage uptake. We often take at least 1 team for each age group, which means us taking over 100 children with us to the various competitions.
We are very well represented on the coaching front with every age group having at least 2 full-time volunteer coaches and a number of willing parents who are happy to help.
For further information on how to join any of our sports sections please contact: [email protected] or call +973 1769 5809
- U6/8s | Friday: 9.00AM - 10.30AM
- U10/12/14s | Friday: 9.00AM - 10.30AM
- U13/14s | Monday: 5.00PM - 6.00PM
- U16/19s | Monday & Wednesday: 6.00PM - 7.15PM & 6.00PM - 7.15PM