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Guests & Visitors


Members Guests

Members may bring in guests at any time during their membership although we do ask that regular visiting guests apply for membership. The process is a simple matter of presenting the guest to our Reception Team who, after receipt of the guest fee (currently BD2/- per adult), will ensure that relevant paperwork is completed to allow admission to the club.

It should be noted that guests are not permitted to remain in the club after the departure of the person signing them in and that that person is at all times responsible for their guest’s behaviour. Members must be over the age of 18 to sign in guests and any under 18s on the club's premises must be accompanied by an adult.

Reciprocal Members

Bahrain RFC has entered into agreements with a number of Expatriate organisations throughout its membership area accepting their members as guests of the Reciprocal Organisation rather than an individual member.

These Organisations currently include

  • The British Club of Bahrain
  • The Dilmun Club
  • The Bahrain Yacht Club
In each case, a BD1 fee is payable to the BRFC Reception team who will ensure that the person in question is properly signed in as a guest of their member club or group.

Visiting Family & Friends

This pass is designed to enable a member to sign in their visitors for two week periods (or multiples of) allowing them to come and go as they please to the club without the need for the sponsoring member to be present throughout their stay. Members need simply complete the relevant form nominating the names of their visitors (these will be added to the Club’s guest book for the duration of their visit) & pay the relevant fees (Family BD16.5/- Single BD11/-).

The guests then simply present a copy of the receipt to our reception team for admission on arrival.

It should be noted that the sponsoring member remains responsible for the behaviour of these guests when on the club’s premises.

Visiting Military

Bahrain RFC has a proud tradition of hosting military personnel on temporary assignment to or visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain. As such the Club maintains an open-door policy to these groups allowing admission to the club’s premises for BD2 upon production of a valid military identification card. Longer-Term Military visitors are encouraged to take out membership of the club (especially if they wish to participate in the club’s sporting programs) with special arrangements in place to ensure that they are charged on a pro-rata basis only for the duration of their stay.

Match Days & Open Days

On certain days of the year, (usually alongside larger social events or live/televised sporting events) Bahrain RFC often declares the day a Match Day, meaning that visitors may pay a fixed admission charge to the club's premises without the need to be formally signed in by a club member.

Similarly, on occasion, the club has an Open Day where membership requirements and admission fees may be waived. Please check with our Reception Team for details of any upcoming events or contact [email protected]